Dental Bridge vs Implant: How to Decide Between the Two

dentist explaining dental bridge vs implant to patient

Picture this: you’re missing a tooth and you’ve been told you have the option of a dental bridge or a dental implant. What do you choose? When it comes to your health, you want to understand all of your options before making a decision.

So how do you move forward when that big question regarding a dental bridge vs implant comes up? Here is everything you need to know so that you can make the best choice for your teeth.

What is a Dental Implant?

Take it from us, dental implants are nothing to be scared about. In fact, they have a very high success rate. Dental implants entail a dental procedure in which a metal post is surgically inserted into the jawbone to replace missing tooth roots. An artificial crown or bridge will then be attached to the post, providing a natural-looking and durable replacement for your missing tooth.

Implants provide permanent stability and support for dental prosthetics, such as bridges and dentures.

The recovery process looks like this: the post is placed in the jawbone following dental surgery (done with a local anesthetic), and then the jawbone needs to heal around the post before the dental prosthetic can be connected. This usually takes 3-6 months but varies depending on individual cases.

Pros of Dental Implants:

  • These implants look and feel like real teeth
  • They last longer than dental bridges
  • They can help protect healthy bone structure

Cons of Dental Implants:

  • These require surgery and may be more expensive
  • Dental implants may not be suitable for people with dental health issues

What is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is like a bridge from dental prosthetics—it bridges the gap created by one or more missing teeth. It works by attaching an artificial tooth to the adjacent dental crowns. The dental bridge is held in place by dental cement and looks, feels, and functions like a natural tooth.

Pros of a Dental Bridge:

  • These are less invasive than dental implants 
  • They can improve the appearance of your smile quickly
  • They require fewer visits to the dental office

Cons of a Dental Bridge:

  • They do not last as long as dental implants
  • Bridges rely on adjacent teeth for support which can lead to further damage if the surrounding teeth become weakened or damaged

How to Choose Between Dental Implants vs Dental Bridges?

So, now that you’ve weighed the pros and cons, how do you choose between dental bridges vs implants? The decision ultimately comes down to you and your dental health. Your dental provider will be able to answer any questions you may have about the benefits and risks associated with dental implants and a dental bridge. 

If cost is a factor for you, dental bridges are generally less expensive than dental implants. Or if you’re missing more than one tooth, a dental bridge may be a better choice as dental implants can become costly when more teeth are missing.

No matter which dental treatment you choose, dental implants or dental bridges, it’s important to maintain good dental hygiene and visit your dentist regularly. With proper care and regular checkups, dental implants and dental bridges can help restore your smile and improve the quality of your life.

How Stehl Family Dental Can Help You in Your Dental Bridge vs Implants Decision

At Stehl Family Dental, we offer dental implants and dental bridges as part of our comprehensive dental services. Our experienced dental professionals are dedicated to providing comprehensive dental care that is tailored to meet your individual needs. 

We can help you decide which dental treatment option is best for you and provide the education and support needed to ensure a successful outcome. Schedule an appointment today to learn more about a dental bridge vs implant. We look forward to being part of your dental journey!