How to Tell When You Need a Tooth Filling

woman with tooth ache needing tooth filling

When it comes to your oral health, a filling can be a crucial component of maintaining it. Many hear the words “you need a filling”, and feel a sort of dread, however, understanding why you need one, and the signs that indicate you should get one can help to ease those worries.

A tooth filling is used to treat cavities or other damage which may have occurred in your teeth. If cavities are left untreated, they will continue to grow and cause further damage, leading to pain and potential infection. That’s why understanding not only why but when you require a filling could be the difference between a minor fix and an issue that takes more time and drains your wallet.

Identifying if You Require a Filling

Knowing whether or not you need a filling can be tricky, but there are some telltale signs to watch out for:

Painful Toothache

If your teeth start to ache suddenly, it could indicate a cavity that needs to be filled. Oftentimes, when a tooth is damaged, it can cause sharp pain or even throbbing, making mundane tasks as simple as yawning painful.

Tooth Sensitivity

Cold liquids, sweets, or even air can cause a tooth to become sensitive if it has been damaged. Tooth sensitivity is often due to the enamel around the tooth wearing away and exposing the nerves underneath. And once those nerves become exposed, it can cause a jolt of pain when extreme temperatures or sweet things come in contact with them.

Damage to an Older Filling

Fillings aren’t foolproof and can also become damaged over time. If you have an older filling that’s been cracked, chipped or has started to wear away, it’s time to get a replacement before your teeth suffer.

Bad Breath

Bad breath isn’t necessarily a sign of a cavity that needs to be filled but can be an indication of the presence of bacteria in your mouth. As bacteria feed on the sugars left behind from eating and drinking, they produce acids that can cause bad breath and contribute to tooth decay. If you’re experiencing persistent bad breath, make sure to visit your dentist for an evaluation to stop the problem before it persists.

All of these can be a sign that you need a tooth filling, and acting on them right away is key to maintaining good oral health. So make sure to see your dentist as soon as these symptoms appear. With the right treatment and care, you can prevent a minor issue from becoming something more serious.

Get Your Healthy Smile Back at Stehl Family Dental

When it comes to your oral health, a filling can be one of the most effective ways to get your healthy smile back. At Stehl Family Dental, we understand how important it is to ensure that cavities and other damage to your teeth are addressed early to prevent them from worsening. Our team of experienced and skilled dentists will provide you with the best possible care so that you can maintain good oral health for years to come. 

Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get your healthy smile back!